Week 6 Notices
Bonjour to all Parents and Caregivers,
Firstly we would like to thank all parents and caregivers for the wonderful work they have been doing with homeschooling their children during the level 4 covid-19 lockdown. We hope you have had no problems accessing the learning on the Middle School Kahikatea site. Remember that all the information regarding home learning can be found on the class blog from either this week or last week. If you have any concerns or questions do not hesitate to contact me. on taiw@atmarysrotorua.school.nz We realise that many parents will be working from home and that time to help children with their learning may be limited. The learning posted on the site is intended to be independent work for the children as much as possible. Please encourage your child to do as much work as is feasible given the lockdown realities in your household bubble.
You will be well aware now that we will be moving from Alert Level 4 to 3 and this takes effect from midnight on Tuesday 31st August. The school is presently in the midst of planning for this change of alert levels. The school will be opening in a limited way only. Please see the link below for information about which children are able to attend at alert level 3.
Here is a link to the information Mr Macmillan has sent out by email.
We are asking all parents and caregivers to answer a survey by Monday 9.00am regarding their needs during alert level 3. Surveys for all classes are on the link above.
Here is the link to Rm 14 Survey
Home learning will therefore continue for the vast majority of children during Alert Level 3. We will continue to have our daily Google Meet session from 10-10:45am every morning during the week. Room 16s theme for Monday is 'Bring a Pet. The children have already been told about this. If a child doesn't have a pet to show they could bring along something else to share with the class.
I have been enjoying the work that is being shared with me. Keep them coming.
Looking forward to another week of Online Learning with you all.
Take Care.
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