Week 4 Notices

Tena Koutou to all our students and parents.

We had a wonderful Ascension liturgy last Thursday run by the Kahikatea team. Thank you to all our parents who came to watch. This week we are growing on our concept of healthy lifestyles. On Friday we will be looking at eating healthily, exercising through games, and the ability to self-regulate through mindfulness.

We also have Cross country this Wednesday in the afternoon. Children will get changed into their P.E. gear at the school before being transported to the Red Woods. More info below. Pick-up needs to be at 2:30pm. 

Last week the students from rooms 12, 14, &15 all attended a morning Parish Mass. It was an excellent experience after mass we were joined by the parishioners and Father Thomas for the shared morning tea in the church hall. Thank you for sending your child with something to share. 

What's happening this week:

Mon: Rm 14 Library

Wednesday: Cross Country 

Thursday: Pentecost Liturgy 12:15 in the hall all parents are welcome

Fri: Health and Wellbeing Concept day


Week 6:

Mon: Queens Birthday No School

Fri: Feast of Sacred Heart Mass (Kahikatea Leading)

Please remind your child to charge their Chromebooks each night.


Just a reminder that we have our annual Cross Country this Wednesday 26th May. All children are to be picked up from their classroom at 12:30. 12:30pm Transporting children from school to the Redwoods Visitor Centre 1:00pm – 2:20pm 

Marshalling in the forest on the day 2:30pm Transporting those children who catch a bus or require after school care back to school Children come to school in full uniform and change into P.E. gear for the afternoon events. 

For the event, students will need: 

● Running shoes & P.E. gear 

● Jersey 

● Drink bottle 

● Any medication required

Event outline: 

1:00pm 9 yr old Girls 1:10pm 9 yr old Boys 

1:20pm 7 & 8 y/o Girls 1:30pm 7 & 8 y/o Boys 

1:40pm 10 year old Girls 1:50pm 10 year old Boys 

2:00pm 11 year old Girls 2:10pm 11 year old Boys 

All children are to be picked up from the Redwoods by 2:30pm, please.

Have a great week.

Kahikatea Team


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