Week 7 Notices
Kamusta Parents and Caregivers
I am amazed at how fast this term has moved. We are already in week 7. This week is jam-packed full of fabulous learning opportunities for our students. Please ensure you have read the information below to keep up with what is happening.
What's happening this week:
Yes, you heard it right....it is Gala Week this week! We are very excited to start collecting the last lot of items for our gala. this week Please see below for what we would love to see coming in. There is a class prize for the most items brought in.
Mon: Library Day.
Thurs: ICT Club at lunch time with Mr James. All Middle Schoolers are welcome.
Fri: St Joseph's Mass at 9am. All are welcome! To celebrate St Joseph's Day, we are going to have a fun afternoon doing wonderful activities in our houses. Please bring in accessories and house colours to change into after mass.
Fri: School Gala 4pm. Please note there will be no sausage sizzle on Friday due to Gala.
What's coming Up:
Our Swimming sports day is on Monday 22nd March for our Kahikatea and Totara teams. We ask that all parents fill out the following form by Wednesday, March 17th.
School Swimming Sports Form.( Link Here)
The swimming sports will be held at the Rotorua Aquatic Centre on Tarewa Road in Rotorua.
Years 3 – 6 students need to be dropped off at the Aquatic Centre on the day to meet their teacher by 8:45 am. Swimming sports will finish at approximately 2:30 pm.
Children may come to swimming sports in their house colours, they may wear their togs under their clothes.
Transport: Children need to be collected from the Aquatic Centre by 3:00pm at the latest. If your child attends After School Care or they usually catch the bus home they will be picked up from the Aquatic Centre at 2:30 pm. If you are unable to drop off or pick up your child from the Aquatic Centre please email Lorna Dobson.
Children will need: togs & towels, sunhat, sunblock, warm clothes, lunch & a drink.
Should the event need to be cancelled this information will be put on our website by 7:30am and a notification sent via Facebook, Educa and the school phone app.
Whanau support will be needed on the day to help, especially in the pool. Some of our children are reluctant swimmers and your help would be greatly appreciated.
Please contact Lorna Dobson if you have any queries: lornad@stmarysrotorua.school.nz
That wraps up our week this week. Hopefully, we continue to have some lovely warm sunshine over the next few days. I hope you enjoy your week!
Ka Kite Ano
Kahikatea Team.
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