Week 6 Notices
Kamusta and Welcome to Week 6.
We are already halfway through Term 2 and feeling many of the effects of Winter, namely dark mornings, cold gloomy days, and viruses. There are a number of cold viruses going around at the moment. Please remember that if your child is feeling sick, we ask you to keep them at home to recover.
Over the next couple of weeks, all Middle School children will be tested in Reading, Writing, and Maths in preparation for Mid-Year reports.
On Friday we have a school Mass celebrating the feast of the Sacred Heart. All parents and caregivers are invited to attend.
Our Matariki Dinner is scheduled for Thursday, June 24th in our school hall at 5.30pm. Parents and caregivers are cordially invited to come and share food from their country of origin, if you wish, otherwise just bring a plate of food.
It is Support Staff Week this week and at St Mary's we will be acknowledging and thanking our support staff who do a magnificent job for teachers and our children.
It is our Kaumatua Rangi’s 85th birthday and we will be acknowledging this by putting on a morning tea for him this Thursday.
A Ripper Rugby team, coached by Mrs Dinniss, is also competing in the schools’ competition on Wednesday. The postponement day is Friday.
What's Happening this Week
Tuesday: Rm 14 Library
Wednesday - Rippa Rugby. Gymnastics in Hall - 12:45pm, lunchtime
Friday - Sacred Heart Mass 9am. Pasifika, 11am Choir - 12pm
We hope you all have a lovely week in this chilly winter season.
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