Welcome to Term 2

Tena koutou and welcome to a new term of learning. The holidays have definitely allowed us to take some rest and to re-energise and get our brains ready for the wonderful learning that is going to take place this term. I am looking forward to seeing all of your smiles when we start tomorrow.
Term 2 Learning:
We have our goal-setting 3-way interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. If you have not yet made a booking go to this link and then enter this code: 63c8b. I would love to touch base with all our parents if I can.
This term our learning focus will be around Health and Well Being. We will start our term with an exciting ignition that will hopefully spark some interest and passion for our students. This will involve our children taking part in different activities with different teachers in Kahikatea and Totara team over the first two weeks. The activities range from healthy eating, exercise, functions of important organs of our body and mindfulness
Literacy will link into our concept and we will base our writing focus around relevant text types such as reports and persuasive texts. Our students will learn about questioning and how to ask relevant questions which should then flow nicely into our research skills also.
Our mathematics programme will continue having a focus on addition and subtraction and we will move onto multiplication and division concepts after.
Our RE strands will be on how the Sacraments are our source of food for life. This will be followed by some learning around the Holy Spirit.

What's happening this week:
Tuesday: 3 way interviews and goal setting 3:10 to 6pm. 
-Rm 14 Library
Wednesday: 3 way interviews and goal setting 3:10 to 6pm
-Mother's Day Gifts for sale.
Thursday: We celebrate Children's World Day of Prayer. See below for more details.
-Mother's Day Gifts for sale.
Friday: Mini Marathon for those children who have been signed up.
-Mother's Day Gifts for sale.

Next Sunday is Mother’s Day and the PTA is running a Gift Store for the children to buy their treasures for their mums. 

Don't forget we are in winter uniform this term.
Please remind your child to have their Chromebook charged each day this week.

I hope you all have fabulous week. Our weather is getting cooler but jeepers I am so grateful for our sunny days.

Tai Waititi and Kahikatea Team.


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