
Showing posts from June, 2021

Week 9 notices

  Kia ora, It's to believe that we are finishing June this week and that we are almost at the end of term 2.  Thank you to all of the whānau who participated in the Matariki Supper, it was a great success. With the wet weather and tired kids, we have had lots of sick kids. Please make sure that the children have their jerseys or polar fleece jackets in the morning. If your child has misplaced theirs, please check the lost and found as it is very full.  Last week we took part in a digital wellness program, teaching children the importance of staying safe on the internet. This is valuable learning, especially considering the 'digital world' we now live in.  Things on this week: Monday - School photos! We will be having our photos at approximately 10:20.   Boys are to wear  woolen jerseys on and girls need to be in skivvy and tunic with long hair tied back . Tuesday -  Library,  please encourage the kids to bring back their books. Wednesday - Sister ...

Week 8 Notices

Malo Ni and welcome to our 8th week of the term. The weather has been very wet lately. I hope you managed to spend your weekend taking some rest and having some quality time with your loved ones. It was good to hear that sports still went ahead. Do share photos of your child in their sports, we would love to see them. We have another busy week ahead. This week we have a team of people visiting our school to support our staff and students around Digital Well-Being. This Thursday there will be lots going on. Some staff will be attending an NZEI meeting. So we have decided to have this: And then later in the evening, there is this: We would love to see you at dinner if you can make it. Reminders: - Please send your child's RE book back with a positive comment. -TOD Friday 9th July ( Week 10 of the term) We hope the weather is kind to us this week with more sunshine. Have a great one. Nga mihi nui Kahikatea Team

Learning in Weeks 4, 5 and 6

Hi everyone, just playing catch up and realising I have photos and videos of the kids learning from a few weeks ago. Week 4: Cross Country Photos Measuring length and understanding what 1m is. Week 5: Samoan Language Week: The children were learning to sing a Samoan song about the hibiscus flower. Mighty Mathematicians Learning about arrays and how these fit in with multiplication. Skip counting to solve multiplication. Week 6: Mighty Mathematicians:Solving simple division by sharing into equal groups.

Week 7 Notices

 Goeie more almal (Afrikaans) Time flies when you're having fun they say!  It's hard to believe it's already week 7 and we only have four weeks left of this term.  Last week we spent a great deal of time testing children individually and it's always so exciting and rewarding to see the progress made.  Well done to everyone for striving for excellence and doing your best.  We had a great Mass on Friday with lovely reading, prayers and beautiful singing.  Thanks to parents who came along to support.  Well done too to the Ripper rugby teams who went to the tournament and played well.  Good luck to those participating in a Chess Tournament on Monday in Tauranga and Tuesday in Rotorua, we know you will enjoy the experience. What's Happening this Week Tuesday - Young Vinnies Talent show auditions in Room 5. If you would like to audition, please bring in $1. Funds raised go towards those who are less fortunate. Wednesday - Gymnastics in Hall - 12:45pm, l...

Week 6 Notices

Kamusta and Welcome to Week 6. We are already halfway through Term 2 and feeling many of the effects of Winter, namely dark mornings, cold gloomy days, and viruses. There are a number of cold viruses going around at the moment. Please remember that if your child is feeling sick, we ask you to keep them at home to recover. Over the next couple of weeks, all Middle School children will be tested in Reading, Writing, and Maths in preparation for Mid-Year reports.  On Friday we have a school Mass celebrating the feast of the Sacred Heart. All parents and caregivers are invited to attend. Our Matariki Dinner is scheduled for Thursday, June 24th in our school hall at 5.30pm. Parents and caregivers are cordially invited to come and share food from their country of origin, if you wish, otherwise just bring a plate of food.  It is Support Staff Week this week and at St Mary's we will be acknowledging and thanking our support staff who do a magnificent job for teachers and our children....